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Manufacturing Code of Conduct (Draft)

Zero Tolerance:

MUST BE OPEN, TRANSPARENT AND COOPERATIVE: The Vendor must give full disclosure and keep 7mesh informed of all practices and resources related to production.

MINIMUM WAGE IS GUARANTEED: The Vendor must compensate employees with at least the local legal minimum wage.

NO FORCED OR BONDED LABOUR: The Vendor must ensure there is no use of forced labour, including but not limited to involuntary overtime and prison, indentured or bonded labour.

NO CHILD LABOUR: The Vendor must ensure that all employees are at least 15 years of age, the age for completing compulsory education, or meet the local legal working age, whichever is highest.

NO UNAPPROVED FACILITIES OR SUBCONTRACTORS, AND NO HOMEWORK: The Vendor must communicate any need to expand the 7mesh supply base and 7mesh must approve each new facility or subcontractor prior to starting business. All work must be in accordance with the terms of the Vendor’s contract with  7mesh and regulated according to the law. Homework must not be used.

NO CORRUPTION OR BRIBERY: The Vendor must avoid all forms of corruption, including extortion, bribery, embezzlement, theft, or other abuse of power to gain an advantage.

Ongoing Compliance: 

ENVIRONMENT: The Vendor must protect indoor and outdoor environmental health by adhering to all applicable regulatory requirements, including but not limited to air, water, ground, and sound quality and chemical and waste management. The Vendor must continuously work towards mitigating negative environmental impacts in daily operations.

FIRE SAFETY: The Vendor must abide by all applicable regulations in addition to having fire protection and prevention systems in place that protect employees, visitors and neighbours from the danger of fire on all vendor owned properties.

HEALTH AND SAFETY: The Vendor must provide safe and healthy workplace facilities, including but not limited to factories, dormitories and canteens, which meet the applicable laws and regulations. The Vendor must take adequate steps to prevent accidents and injuries related to work or otherwise on vendor owned properties.

WAGES AND BENEFITS: The Vendor must remunerate employees with special rates and benefits in accordance with applicable laws, in addition to the local minimum wage. The Vendor must provide employees with a clear, detailed, written account for each pay period and must not deduct wages illegally or for disciplinary purposes.

FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: The Vendor must allow employees the right to choose, form, belong or not belong to a union, or any other type of employees' organization, and take part in related activities.

INFORMED WORKPLACE: The Vendor must communicate information on employee rights and obligations defined by this Code and applicable laws both orally and through the posting of the 7mesh Code of Ethics in the language of employees.

HARASSMENT, ABUSE AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION: The Vendor must ensure that the workplace is free from sexual, psychological, physical, and verbal harassment, abuse, or intimidation and that every employee is treated with respect and dignity. Disciplinary practices must be clearly laid out, legal, and impartial.

WORKING HOURS AND OVERTIME: The Vendor must ensure employee working hours do not exceed 60 hours per week or the local legal limit, whichever is less, including overtime, on a regular basis, except under extenuating circumstances. All overtime must be voluntary and compensated at a premium rate.

DISCRIMINATION: The Vendor must ensure employees are not subject to any discrimination in employment, including hiring, salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of sex, gender identity, race, religion, age, disability, illness, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social or ethnic origin, or other protected status.

TIME OFF AND BREAKS: The Vendor must provide a 24 hour rest day at least once in every seven-day period and recognize statutory leave and holidays. Break time must be respected. 

YOUNG WORKERS: The Vendor must comply with applicable laws and regulations with regard to young workers (individuals who are 15 - 17 years of age), including but not limited to: type of work, hours of work, health checks, registration to authorities, wages, benefits, etc.

FEEDBACK SYSTEM: The Vendor must ensure there is an internal grievance system that allows for anonymity and confidentiality. Employee comments must be responded to in a timely manner.